Hungária Komondor Klub was established in 1924 as Komondor Association (Komondor Egylet), and was later renamed Komondor Division (Komondor Szakosztály), followed by MEOE Hungária Komondor Klub. Since 1 January 1998, it has been operating as an independent entity under the name Hungária Komondor Klub.

The operation of the Club is financed by means of membership fees and financial support. A part of the support received comes from the Hungarian Kennel Club (MEOE).
The Club’s principal objective is to preserve and protect the endangered Hungarian livestock guardian dog, the Komondor.
To achieve that, its responsibilities include:
- showcasing the exceptional dogs of the country,
- raising awareness of and promoting the breed, preserving and developing the biological value of the breed. Including the breed in the national gene pool, and creating a base population of high genetic value. Creating a data bank of the entire population; maintaining a male register.
- Searching across the country for unknown Komondors not presented in dog shows in order to refresh the genetic material.
- Expanding this activity in order to increase the population.
- Maintaining international relations, participating in international events, strengthening the cooperation with foreign Komondor Clubs.
- Producing educational materials and publications for domestic and foreign audiences.
- Increasing the knowledge of Hungarian children and youth about domestic native dog breeds.
The places where Komondors are kept across the world expect guidance from the country providing the standard. The demand for that is especially high among breeders and dog lovers of the United States of America, the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, Germany and Slovakia.
In 1998, the Club placed 4th in the Henry Ford European Conservation Awards in the “Natural Environment” category, out of 165 applicants.
- Club Show and two Main Conformation Shows every year
- Assembly as needed, but at least once a year
- Since 1994, the Club organises a Komondor Festival every year with programmes presenting and promoting the breed. Besides the programmes organised by the Club, our organisation takes part in a number of other events.
Since 1990, we publish our “Komondor Magazin” journal every year, in which we present the dogs who have gained the “Club Star” title in the point-based competition of the Club, we list the Club events, and share other information of public interest.
VINNAI András, President